Troubleshooting Tools

The document describes how to use argocd-tool binary to simplify Argo CD settings customizations and troubleshot connectivity issues.


Argo CD provides multiple ways to customize system behavior and has a lot of settings. It might be dangerous to modify settings on Argo CD used in production by multiple users. Before applying settings you can use argocd-util binary to make sure that settings are valid and Argo CD is working as expected. The argocd-util binary is available in argocd image and might be used using docker. Example:

  1. docker run --rm -it -w /src -v $(pwd):/src argoproj/argocd:<version> \
  2. argocd-util settings validate --argocd-cm-path ./argocd-cm.yaml

If you are using Linux you can extract argocd-util binary from docker image:

  1. docker run --rm -it -w /src -v $(pwd):/src argocd cp /usr/local/bin/argocd-util ./argocd-util

The argocd-util settings validate command performs basic settings validation and print short summary of each settings group.

Diffing Customization

Diffing customization allows excluding some resource fields from diffing process. The diffing customizations are configured in resource.customizations field of argocd-cm ConfigMap.

The following argocd-util command prints information about fields excluded from diffing in the specified ConfigMap.

  1. docker run --rm -it -w /src -v $(pwd):/src argoproj/argocd:<version> \
  2. argocd-util settings resource-overrides ignore-differences ./deploy.yaml --argocd-cm-path ./argocd-cm.yaml
  • Health Assessment

Health assessment allows excluding some resource fields from diffing process. The diffing customizations are configured in resource.customizations field of argocd-cm ConfigMap.

The following argocd-util command assess resource health using Lua script configured in the specified ConfigMap.

  1. docker run --rm -it -w /src -v $(pwd):/src argoproj/argocd:<version> \
  2. argocd-util settings resource-overrides health ./deploy.yaml --argocd-cm-path ./argocd-cm.yaml
  • Resource Actions

Resource actions allows configuring named Lua script which performs resource modification.

The following argocd-util command executes action using Lua script configured in the specified ConfigMap and prints applied modifications.

  1. docker run --rm -it -w /src -v $(pwd):/src argoproj/argocd:<version> \
  2. argocd-util settings resource-overrides run-action /tmp/deploy.yaml restart --argocd-cm-path /private/tmp/argocd-cm.yaml

The following argocd-util command lists actions available for a given resource using Lua script configured in the specified ConfigMap.

  1. docker run --rm -it -w /src -v $(pwd):/src argoproj/argocd:<version> \
  2. argocd-util settings resource-overrides list-actions /tmp/deploy.yaml --argocd-cm-path /private/tmp/argocd-cm.yaml

Cluster credentials

The argocd-util kubeconfig is useful if you manually created Secret with cluster credentials and trying need to troubleshoot connectivity issues. In this case, it is suggested to use the following steps:

1 SSH into [argocd-application-controller] pod.

  1. kubectl exec -n argocd -it \
  2. $(kubectl get pods -n argocd -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') bash

2 Use argocd-util kubeconfig command to export kubeconfig file from the configured Secret:

  1. argocd-util kubeconfig https://<api-server-url> /tmp/kubeconfig --namespace argocd

3 Use kubectl to get more details about connection issues, fix them and apply changes back to secret:

  1. export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig
  2. kubectl get pods -v 9